Monday, January 13, 2014

Martin King Cavataio (Work in Progress)

Here's another update to my portrait of Martin.  I have his hand complete, just need to make some minor tweaks here and there; but for the most part, the hand is done.   I added tone to his fingers by applying graphite by making tiny overlapping circles (circulism) then blending with a medium tortillion, also using a circular motion to achieve a smooth blend.  I then add another layer of graphite and blending some more.  I repeat the process until I achieve the darkest value possible by applying a slightly harder hand pressure each time.  

I'll be moving onto Martin's face as I focus on the shadows and try to manipulate the light.   I will save the background for last since that will be completely black.  

More to come soon!!!!

Drawing of Artist Kate Zambrano (WIP)

  Here is an update on my drawing of Kate Zambrano, 9 x 12 graphite pencil on Bristol Smooth paper. Kate is one of the artists who inspires ...