Friday, November 9, 2012

Portrait of Kevin

Here's the start of my newest portrait.  This portrait is of artist Kevin Wueste. 

I've added Kevin's right eye and am working on building up the tone. I layer initial tone using 4H lead. I am using a circulism technique (drawing in tiny tiny circles very close together) then I blend using a medium tortillion also in a circular pattern. I then take a cotton swab and blend again, this allows me to soften the tone a bit more and gives a more smoother transition from dark to light tone. I then add another layer of tone using a 2H lead then I repeat the blending process. 

For the eye, I took a mechanical pencil with a 2B lead and darkened the edge around the iris and I add light tone. I darken the pupil but I'm careful not to lose the catch light. I blend again using a medium tortillion then a cotton swab. I then take a hake brush and brush the entire drawing. I feel that using the hake brush gives the drawing a polished look which I personally like. 

This is 11 x 14 graphite on Strathmore Bristol Vellum


Another update will be coming soon!

Drawing of Artist Kate Zambrano (WIP)

  Here is an update on my drawing of Kate Zambrano, 9 x 12 graphite pencil on Bristol Smooth paper. Kate is one of the artists who inspires ...