Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Green Eyes - Progress 2

Here's a small update. I'm a little nervous with the skin tone and thought about going back to graphite. But I'm not, I'm sticking with it. I also realized that I have to use a lighter graphite pencil when drawing the line drawing. I may actually use a Peach color Colored Pencil to the line drawing on my next portrait.

For eye itself, I used Dark Green, Lime Peel, and Olive Green. For the skin tone, I used Light Peach, Peach, Light Umber, and Sienna Brown. I'm going to be building my layers slowly. I'm not sure if I'll be burnishing or not. I'm using a circulism technique. More to come soon....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Green Eyes - Progress 1

Here is my completed line drawing of "Green Eyes". I call my line drawing the ugly stage of my portraits because the lines are loosely sketched and drawn quickly. The lines are used for placement purposes only. I map out where I want the eyes, the nose, the mouth. Once I have the line drawing at a point I like, I start planning my details.

"Green Eyes"

I've started a new portrait last night. The title of my newest piece is "Green Eyes". This is going to be my first real attempt at a colored pencil portrait and my first drawing that will have a background.

The size is going to be 11 x 14 on Strathmore Bristol Smooth paper. I'll be using Prismacolor Colored Pencils. I'm still working on the line drawing which I'll be posting an image of I hope tonight.

I'm a little intimated by colored pencils. I've dabbled with colored pencils before but always ended up going back to graphite. I feel that I'm growing as an artist and it's time I face my fear and stick with it.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Portrait of Sharon

It's been awhile since I posted an update on my blog. This is something that I hope to do regularly going forward. I thought I'd post my latest drawing.

Here's a portrait of a good friend and artist. This is a portrait of Sharon Gonzalez as a young girl. She is truly an inspiration to me as an artist and as a person. Her love of life and art has touched me in a way that I feel has made me a better person. Her photographs and paintings capture all that is beautiful in this world and I hoped to capture the beauty of her.

Drawing of Artist Kate Zambrano (WIP)

  Here is an update on my drawing of Kate Zambrano, 9 x 12 graphite pencil on Bristol Smooth paper. Kate is one of the artists who inspires ...